There are many wisdoms in this world. Many of which are in stark contrast with one another so if one is right, then the other must be wrong or they're both off the mark. The world around us is in upheaval because people want to be heard or because somebody’s personal rights were not respected. Pain and anger are leading to protests and accusations.
To some degree I understand. We want justice. We want freedoms. We want love. And when we don’t get them, we demand them.
The Peel
Ben also wants justice and freedoms and love. He is angry that the promises of happily ever after have been rescinded. He demands healing, answers and restitution. He has also lost the freedom to choose how he spends his final days. He is told that he can’t go places because they’re closed, he can’t move back home, he can’t teach, he can’t be in control, he can’t, he can’t, he can’t… On top of that, Ben does not recognize the love that is shown to him. If we really loved him, he says, we would fix all his problems. He says, “I’m all alone. Nobody cares about me.”
Sometimes I find myself heading down the path wearing similarly tainted lenses. I want to have significance in the world, not to be stuck taking care of one man. Our family no longer has the freedom to come and go as we please without also taking him with us. On top of that, Ben’s love tank is like a straw basket holding water - no matter what we pour into it, it always feels empty. He will never again be able to return to us the love we pour into him.
The Fruit
Though he is trying to protect himself and fight for the things he thinks are right, he is actually causing the opposite to happen. His demands and expectations become barricades to the very things he values. When I do the same by focusing on my rights and my expectations, I find I am similarly unhappy.
Jesus gives us a very different wisdom. It doesn’t make sense when we view it through the lenses of the world. How can peace and happiness come through self-sacrifice and no expectations? Who has the stamina for that?
Yet, here we are, learning to give without expecting anything in return, yielding to Thunderfoot's attacks without lashing back, and treating him in the way we would want to be treated knowing that it will never happen. God’s wisdom powered by His Spirit expressed through two humbled and broken people has resulted in an unexpected happiness.
“But I say to you who are listening: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. To the person who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other as well, and from the person who takes away your coat, do not withhold your tunic either. Give to everyone who asks you, and do not ask for your possessions back from the person who takes them away. Treat others in the same way that you would want them to treat you."
Luke 6:27-31 New English Translation (NET Bible)