Dementia is an isolating disease. People who have it can’t follow conversations even when they are surrounded by people. Trying to communicate becomes nearly impossible because they just can’t find the words. They lose the ability to do things they used to be able to do and it’s pointless to learn something new. They either spend the day in day care or have caregivers come into their home - people who feel like strangers day after day. To have dementia is to be socially isolated.
The Peel
But, COVID-19 has been a blessing for Ben. We expected the lack of routine to be a problem. His recreation center and his barber are closed, his programs are canceled, and he can’t go to church or visit with friends. I guess the fact that we are all suffering from closures makes him feel normal.
For reasons he doesn’t completely understand, everyone in his family is suddenly milling about the house doing a whole lot of nothing much. He is no different from the rest of us. No strangers coming and going to take care of Ben while the rest of us are getting busy - only his son giving him his full attention.
Ken lost his job a month before COVID-19 hit. It was hard to take at the time and really hard to understand. Ken was questioning his career and the direction of his life. Where should he be investing his time? What is his purpose? Why did this happen right now?
The Fruit
Looking back, we can see God’s hand upon it. No caregivers can come into the house and Ben can go nowhere. We have the full-time job of caring for him 24-7. There is no way that Ken could be taking care of his dad and working a job while being cooped up in the house. We have to wonder how we would have managed if Ken were still an employee.
This virus has been a gift to Ben - to feel more normal again. For Ken, it has been a testimony of God at work. In the midst of losing his job, he was filled with uncertainty. In hindsight, he is certain that losing his job was God’s provision for our societal lockdown.
Lord, you say, “Now all discipline seems painful at the time, not joyful. But later it produces the fruit of peace and righteousness for those trained by it.” (Hebrews 12:11 NET) How many times have I wondered why something bad is happening, only to discover later that it was a blessing in disguise. Thank you for this provision. Even though it has been hard, it has been worth it. Help me to trust you in the future without requiring hindsight.
Enjoy Laura Story’s song, Blessings ( as she puts to music these same thoughts.